7:40 PM
Archie Isib
The Fight of Our LivesKnowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth, and Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam
By William Bennett with Seth Leibsohn
Published by Thomas Nelso
"We loved death more than you love life!" That line struck me right there, whats on their mind going on? "Fight Of Our Lives" is a book written to wake up the world to the dangers of Radical Islam. I'm not anti-muslim but, anti-Muslim sentiment might have peaked, there were six times as many incidents of bias against Jews, as there were against Muslims. As William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn show, what needs to happen to be sure this never happens again. And its happening now! What the'ye gonna killed for just a video? I understand them but killing is not a solution, violation is not a solution only way we'll escape their eventual fate is to be informed and this book does an excellent job of doing just that. This is not a book intended to detail every mistake, error, and lapse of judgment for radical Islam. Read this and be ready for the fight of our lives!
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