Heaven Is for Real for Kids
the book is simply written yet profoundly deep. In it, Murphey looks at the lives of Jesus' disciples, and writes about his own life with candor that will challenge the reader's theology on grace and acceptance. By the end of the book, the reader will see that, no matter the circumstances, God chases after each of us until we run back into his arms of love. This book is a must read for anyone who struggles with a performance-driven life, or for those who want to understand God in an infinitely deeper way. Right away, one would think that Wiese just had a nightmare, but Wiese is convinced that he had an out-of-body experience where his soul literally descended into Hell. Wiese insists that this wasn't just a dream. This book will wake up the Dead. I know because I've left it to where anybody could read it and for those that did, their reading experience was similar. A great witnessing tool. I loved it from the very first page. It has a ring of truth. Most of the book is about what happened to Mr. Piper after his experience in heaven and during his long, painful recovery. I bought many copies and gave them to family and friends, urging them to read it as I believe it has the power to transform lives.
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