Your 100 Day Prayer

by; John Snyde
I found this book to be simultaneously very easy to read, and very hard to read. It was inspiring, but at times discouraging. It was easy to read because the writer writes heart-to-heart, in plain terms. It was hard because it's so darn challenging.
Sun Stand Still is an important and powerful call to trust God to do things completely beyond our own ability, while also giving it absolutely all we've got. If you've got a dream but are lacking the faith to see it come to pass, or if you just find yourself too stuck in comfort and safe prayers, this is definitely a book worth checking out.
If your use of time and money has become a problem or you struggle in your relationships or with sexual sin, this book may be a good place for you to start. This book is to convince you that by surrendering yourself totally to God's purposes, He will bring you the most pleasure in this life and the next.As I see it, a lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron; there is no such thing. To put it plainly, church goers who are "lukewarm" are not christians. We will not see them in Heaven.
I came very close to missing the blessing God had for me through this book.
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