Our Last Great Hope
Awakening the Great Commission
By Ronnie Floyd
Published by Thomas Nelson
Published by Thomas Nelson
I highly recommend this book. This book is beneficial in two main areas: One it is thrilling to read how the gospel transforms lives... This book has been like a sledgehammer to my soul, and it will take me months and years to sort out what God would have me do next. Many readers will find some of the content challenging, but they should not let this put them off reading through the whole book,This book could reawaken countless numbers of Christians to exalt God for who he is, and is even recommended for the non-Christian who believes that this particular faith is a usual, boring one. It is no exagerration to state that this book will point one to the fountain of joy: God Himself.
Therefore, I would recommend this to all who are Christian Hedonists and all who desire to become one! When I first began reading this book, I was skeptical. I thought that this would turn out to be another Christian-themed self-help book, If you are struggling with your desire for God, first go to Him in prayer. Than go to His Word. Then go to your pastor, your family, and friends. Then read this book.If you are struggling with your desire for God, first go to Him in prayer. Than go to His Word. Then go to your pastor, your family, and friends. Then read this book.
It is certainly his most practical book to date and will be my companion for many years as I continue to battle for a heart satisfied in God alone.